Video Contents
Was Pierced Isaiah 53:5
Quiet time with God Harp reflection
The 23rd Psalm The Lord is my sheperd I shall not want.
Gundy's new harp!
Bible reflections 1 I Love You Lord!
reflections 2 I love the Lord, for he heard my voice. Psalm 116:1-2 | NIV
Bible reflections 3
Christ Be Our Light! Reflection on 2 Timothy 1:9-11
Bible reflections 4 John 6:35 Hyfrodol
Bible reflections 5 John 3:16 For God so loved the world. Amazing Grace.
Bible reflections 6 Romans 8:38-39. Here is Love
Bible reflections 7 Psalm 136:1-4 and 26.
Give Thanks
Bible reflections 8 Ephesians 2:8-10. Only by Grace!
Bible reflections 9 Thy word
is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Bible reflections10 Numbers 6:24-26. Barocha. A Blessing.
reflections11 Love divine, all loves excelling.
Bible reflections12 Spirit of the Living God!
reflections13 Eat This Bread. 1 Cor 11:26, Mat 26:26, John 6:51
Bible reflections14 The Servant Song - Brother, let me be your servant.
Bible reflections15 Great is Thy Faithfulness. Psalm 108:1-5.
Bible reflections16 Romans 8:38-39.
Stillpoint Communion:I am the Bread of Life. All who eat this Bread will never die.